Yay! Finals week is now over, what a relief! I was lucky this semester and I only had 2 final exams, but instead I had a lot of final papers, group projects, and presentations. But I’ll take those over a final any time. So, as you could imagine, this week was a bit stressful and I am very glad to be free of homework, studying, and the library. I do love school, but finals week is always crazy (in a good way of course) it wouldn’t be finals week without a little stress right?
It is pretty funny actually. Someone started this tradition during finals week called “the howl.” And Wednesday of finals week at 10pm on the dot, everyone in the library breaks the silence, the monotonous pencil tapping, or the keyboard clatter and just starts howling like wolves. It is quite an invigorating experience. It definitely helps to get through the rest of a crazy cram night. And of course, its fun!Sunday, December 14, 2008
woohoooooooo! finals week is done!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tis the season to be jolly...
There was also a little Festivus celebration (Seinfeld fans...) which included airing of grievances, feats of strength, and the Festivus pole. I was declared the victor (all of these victories for me..yay!) of leg wrestling. I definitely beat a boy and it was in the newspaper :)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Break :)
Happy Turkey day! We had a long weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday and it has been lovely! Utah State has an awesome location; it is the perfect distance away from home. I live in Salt Lake so it is far away enough that I have some independence and freedom, yet close enough that I can come home when I need to for special occasions, holidays, sweet concerts, or when I’m just a little homesick and want to see my family and friends. I spent Thanksgiving with my family and I really enjoyed my break, I really needed one. Over the break I saw Twilight, went dancing with my friends, did a little bit of homework, and of course, feasted on delicious food. Now I am refreshed and recharged for a crazy week getting ready for finals and such. It will definitely be an adventure!
(This is my Xia xia and Pa pou (grandma and grandpa in Greek) and my sisters boyfriend at Thanksgiving dinner...it's kind of a terrible picture of me and I think i was saying something to the affect of "Why are you taking a picture right at this very moment when we are feasting for this day of giving thanks?" just maybe)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Diversity Week
This has been an amazing week full of diversity, dancing, and deliciousness! Diversity is such a big part of Utah State, so much that campus diversity is even a position in our student government here (ASUSU). It was created in 2002 to continue the tradition of Diversity Week, to promote inclusiveness and to give diverse students a voice and the opportunity to be represented.
Chase Skidmore, the Diversity VP this year said that he wants students to know that “While issues such as ethnicity and skin color are a large part of diversity, it is not just our skin color or our cultural background that defines who we are. This year, Diversity Week will focus on race, ethnicity, culture, education, sexual orientation and diverse interests. I think the overall hope I have for the week is a better understanding that we are all different and yet we collectively make up what it is to be USU.”
If you didn’t know Utah State has a VERY diverse campus. We have students from so many backgrounds and walks of life. We also have many international students, anywhere from China, Venezuela, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, or Tanzania, to Lebanon, Korea, Italy, or India. Anywhere you can think of really.
Having so many friends from all over has really enriched my experience here at Utah State, because as I have spent time with them I have learned about their countries and culture. It is such a beautiful thing to meet people from all over the world. I love it!
Some fun events for this week included “The World Sampler” cookout with food from all over (I loved the Indian food), the Unity Through Diversity Dance Show (featuring dances from all over), the cultural showcase and Mr. and Mrs. International Pageant.
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.” –Anne Frank
Sunday, November 16, 2008

This week has been a fun adventure! I made a goal this week to be super healthy and it feels great. I love being really active and eating my fruits and veggies haha. On monday night I did yoga, then hip-hop, then kick boxing (needless to say the next day i was sore...) Tuesday I did Piyo (which is yoga and pilates mixed), and wednesday was really stressful with projects and exams, so I did some relaxing yoga. Thursdays are my favorite because at 11:00 a bunch of friends get together and play dodgeball all night (it is so much more intense than gym dodgeball in fourth grade...it is legit! haha) On friday I did stairs, and then Saturday went on a jog/walk with my sister. It really feels great to be balanced with physically, mentally, and socially etc. It really enhances the whole college experience and life in general. It really is not that hard either, I love being well! Have a well week and a swell day :) here is me doing yoga..definitely a good stretch (it is kinda crazy but I like it)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Dance Battle and Poetry and a Beverage
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween/the Howl
I volunteered at the Howl and I helped in the ballroom so I got to meet the band Recycled Percussion. They were so amazing and the guys were really nice. My friend Erika and I worked at the merchandise table during their two shows. The band dressed up for the second show and here is a sweet pic we got with them. I had to wear my volunteer shirt but I still dressed up like a cat and then I dressed up like a boy scout for a dance/costume party that was the night after. Hope you had a happy HOWL-aween cause I sure did :) see ya at the Howl next year!

Sunday, October 26, 2008
homecoming week!

but the best part is just participating in the tradition. There is also a really fun paint dance where everyone dances and gets covered in paint! Tuesday is free Aggie Ice cream and Moonlight and Music (a free concert that is really fun). Wednesday is the hilari
ous Mr. USU pageant, where selected guys compete for the title of Mr. USU. Thursday is a free movie (this year it was Kung Fu Panda), and finally on Friday is the homecoming pep rally, dance, and True Aggie Night. Saturday there is a 5K, the homecoming parade, tailgate party, football game, and dance party. It is such a blast!
I actually got a date (haha) and we went to the dance and had a fun fun time. Here are some pics :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall Break!
Sunday, October 12, 2008

so right now this very instant it is snowing! it is the kind the is fluffy and falls lightly and fluttery! i love it :) there isn't snow on the ground..it melts basically right when it falls, but watching it is peaceful. anyway this week Aggies for Africa counted most of the shoes that have been donated and so far we have 1,754 with more to come!! french club played german club in an epic soccer game on the hper field and it was so fun! i definitely got dirty slide tackling and such (although french club did lose, we demand a rematch haha). last night we had a sweet dance party (that pic is me dancing..) at my friends' house and had a date auction and a kissing booth to raise money for Aggies for Africa, it was so much fun!